Wednesday, April 8, 2009



when you are baby
smile is your reflex

when you grow bigger
smile become a need for social

when you grow bigger and bigger
smile will become fake
and every smile not nessary is a true smile

happy you can smile
sad you can smile
when you in stress you can smile
maybe at the time you commit suicide
you also smile

from reflex to true to fake
all are smile...

have you smile today?

what you think about smile
for me smile is better then cry.

therefor try to smile

Thursday, March 19, 2009


i am empty
do you feel empty?

what is empty?
have nothing inside is empty.

i can thing nothing
my mind is blank...
but every things still going on
i cant stop it

every things is still move on
but i feel empty
i am the one who stop

can any one wait for me?
i will move on
give me some time
i will try to fill my self
fill with knowledge and skill

and that is the time
i am no longer empty
i hope that day will come soon

Monday, March 16, 2009

you will grow... ...

you will grow
you want it annot
you will grow

day after day
you will grow
years after years
you will grow
you want ti annot
you will grow

baby will become child
child will become adolescent
adolescent will become adult
adulth will old
you want it annot
you will grow

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


what is time?
every one have 24 hour in a day
why i feel that i dont have enough time?
can i have 48 hour a day?
but after consider about it ... ...
better dont have 48 hour a day.

48 hour a day
how to distrubute the time?
do i need to eat six time a day?
sleep 18 hour a day
have 6-9 class a day

wah... ...
i dont want this to hapen... ...
i will become old soon if there is 48 hour a day

thanks god for giving me 24 hour a day

Monday, February 9, 2009

story start 小女孩
